Bodegas Roda Rioja Lunch at Fire Grill
Sat, Mar 28, 20 by Chesterton Cook

Dad and I attended a fantastic lunch last week with Scott Wasley (The Spanish Acquisition) and the wines of Bodegas Roda. Fire Grill was the location - a brand new and very flash establishment in the centre of town. The focus of lunch was a close look at a range of the latest releases from this progressive Spanish producer who is based in Haro, Rioja. On top of that, Scott very generously opened a raft of back-vintage wines which included a 1995 Roda 1 (fully mature yet singing with life), a Roda 2005 (only half way down the path to full maturity) and a 3 Litre (perhaps a touch excessive) Roda 2009.
Both the new releases and the older examples were very impressive. The common trait of all of these wines were the structural elements on which they are built. Sometimes Rioja can be a bit soft and broad without proper precision. Not the case here; these wines are built on firm tannin structures which give the wines shape and balance. They are made organically with as little human interference as is possible. A look at the older wines only confirmed their longevity.
Fire Grill was also a very pleasant surprise. Having not heard of it until we recieved the invitation to lunch, the food and service was exceptional. We were told that they had only opened three weeks ago which (1) explained why we had not heard of the venue and (2) made their seamless service even more impressive. I would highly recommend getting in their once all of this craziness is over!
The new releases from Roda are now available. Pleas ask to be sent our offer and notes on the wines.